Evolution of Interactive Documentary: Perspectives and Challenges for its Consolidation



interactive documentary, transmedia documentary, webdoc, non-fiction, digital storytelling


The explosion of video and visual content on the Internet have created the ideal conditions for the emergence and evolution of interactive documentary as a non-fiction format. This paper analyzes a series of representative projects developed between 2010 and 2014, applying an analysis model created for this purpose. Prison Valley (2010), One Millionth Tower (2011), Bear 71 (2012), Hollow (2013) and V.O.S.E. (2014) were considered. Based on the evolution of the documentary genre and an approach to the current state of development of the interactive documentary, a comparative a the five selected projects –in terms of production and circulation, author-text-user relationship, structure, navigation and interaction and representation of reality–. Finally, an exploration of the development of the interactive documentary in the last two years is elaborated and a set of questions to solve arising from the analysis carried out is proposed. As a conclusion, this form of interactive non-fiction is presented as a contemporary form, marked by complexity and hybridization, with challenges and opportunities for its institutionalization and in convergence with new technologies. 

Author Biographies

Jorge Vázquez-Herrero, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Grupo de investigación NOVOS MEDIOS

Xosé López-García, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

Grupo de investigación NOVOS MEDIOS

Arnau Gifreu-Castells, Universidad de Girona



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