Estratégias de interdições da comunicação: rupturas da democracia comunicada


  • Pedro Pinto de Oliveira Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso


communication, politics, philosophy, media, performance.


We present an analysis proposal on the hardships of political communication in the contemporary society amid a crisis of values and the emergency of radical stances in the mediatized public scenario. Our theoretical basis is the communicability relational notion, as developed from the works of philosophers John Dewey and Alfred Schultz, as well as the performance concept of sociologist Erving Goffman. In the intersection between Communication and Politics, we assessed the communicative strategies in a multilayered research on the cases of different public figures. The way different levels of communicability, both instrumental and final, are put to action in the interaction with audiences and the way it yields more ruptures than dialogues in the communicative democracy; otherwise, more interdictions than the conflicts that streamline the world of life.


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