State television news programmes in Spain in the days of Covid-19. Formal changes, treatment and content
television, information, Covid-19, Observatory, content analysis, SpainAbstract
Television has once again been the main source of information for Spaniards during the Covid-19 crisis. The purpose of our research is to determine through the study of a set of variables the formal changes, content and informational treatment of this crisis on television. In this research we compared the data obtained in previous waves of news analysis (4,511 pieces of 100 news reports) with those obtained in the wave of analysis coinciding with the explosion of the Covid-19 crisis in Spain (812 pieces of 17 news items) to try to identify the changes experienced by these. The orientation of news production in the first stage of the Covid-19 crisis has revolved around three axis: live information, development information and statements obtained through video calls. The Covid-19 news programs have been practically monothematic, longer, less structured, more spontaneous in their production and with a more direct and dialogical narration. These are news programs with a preferably national vision, in which expert sources and citizens have gained greater prominence, to the detriment of politicians.
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