On software and television: Analyzing a minimal process for software requirements specification by TV broadcasters



TV production, requirements engineering, television software studies, software engineering, processes’ tailoring, agile methods


In this paper it is addressed the theme of software applications (apps) development and supply by TV broadcasters in order to synchronize the ads of TV shows’ sponsors between multiple screens. That sync is required because audience is using multiple gadgets to watch TV (for example, during the materialization of viewers’ second screen experience). Although broadcasters’ supply of apps to the audience constitutes an alternative to the ads sync, such supply requires a previous software development. The execution of a minimal set of activities to software development (particularly to software requirements specification) is analyzed in this paper, observing that such activities should minimize impacts in the typical production processes of TV to mitigate the risk of broadcasters losing their focus on TV content production while developing the apps. The presentation of (i) Software Engineering processes’ tailoring and of (ii) agile methods contributes to analyze a minimal process for software requirements specification.

Author Biography

Carlos Eduardo Marquioni, Programa de Mestrado e Doutorado em Comunicação e Linguagens - Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná (UTP)

Marquioni (cemarquioni@uol.com.br) is an associate professor of the Master and PhD Programme in Communication and Languages of the Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná (UTP)/Brazil; PhD in Communication and Languages, coordinates the research groups: UTP’s  TECA (Technology: Experience, Culture and Affects) and Intercom’s Studies of Television and Televisualities (2018-2019).


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