Contrapropaganda: aplicação da estratégia negativa nos cartazes das eleições legislativas e presidenciais portuguesas de 2001 a 2016


  • Raphaël Baptista ISCSP


counterpropaganda, political posters, counterpropagandistic posters.


The present research focuses on the importance of counterpropaganda in a democratic environment, as well as the adoption and betting on political posters in Portuguese electoral campaigns as "a way to better understand the present, the functioning and the characteristics of contemporary time"(Monteiro, 2013 , p.15). The objective of the research is to understand the strategy and specificities present in counterpropagandistic posters. To meet this objective, we rely on the mixed method: content analysis (286 posters); semiological analysis (54 counterpropagandistic posters). The results show the predominance of this technique by smaller parties and an increase in the use of counterpropagandistic posters.


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