Heróis de capa: dos tribunais para as listas de intenção de votos. A representação dos juízes Joaquim Barbosa e Sérgio Moro nas capas das principais revistas brasileiras entre 2007 e 2017


  • Marcos M. Queiroz Escola de Comunicação da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás


communication, politics, media.


In this essay, we focus on how the three main Brazilian weekly magazines – Veja, Época e Isto É – portrayed judges Joaquim Barbosa and Sérgio Moro, in the period between 2007 and 2017, in search of image construction of the "judge-hero". To support our view that there was a deliberate action by the editors to promote greater visibility to the aforementioned judges, we have compared the frequency of appearances by members of the Brazilian Judiciary on the covers of the weeklies in all editions between 1968 and 2017. Subsequently, we have dedicated more attention to the covers that presented the two judges, and we have carried out the textual analysis of the titles and subtitles that made up with the imagistic construction of the message objectified by the editorials of the magazines. Finally, we have cros- sed the information obtained with the results of a survey carried out in Brazil in 2017, where we have found the flagrant opposition, on the level of credi- bility manifested by Brazilians, between politicians and political institutions and between members of the judiciary and judicial institutions.


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