O soundbite – Fenómeno comunicacional de (in)visibilidade política


  • Francisca Gonçalves Amorim Universidade da Beira Interior / LabCom.IFP


soundbite, rhetoric, politics, communication, elections.


In this study, we try to reflect, advancing with some considerations, on soundbite, as a communicational technique present in the discourse of politics and in the discourse of journalism. Taking as basis for the analysis a circumstantial study on the political campaign of the Portuguese legislative elections of 2015, it tries to define, characterizing, the soundbite, with respect to its meaning, to its subjects and audiences, to the time and space it came, to its objectives and the rhetorical strategies used by those who use it. The challenges posed by the (in)visibility of the soundbite for citizen information are still discussed. As well as the inevitability of this mediatic pheno- menon, given the communicative and political con- text we are experiencing today.


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