Travis or the spectator on the mirror/screen of Paris, Texas (1984), by Wim Wenders



cinema, spectator, character, identity, process of subjectification


In this essay on the questions of identity, knowledge and recognition of the self, the intersection of the potentialities of these two devices of projection / reflection of the being appears, both in the narrative structure and in the viewing of the film itself as a process of subjectification: the screen and the mirror present in the film “Paris, Texas” (1984) by Wim Wenders. Here, the complex experience of Travis, the protagonist, is revealed, and as it is only through his participation as a spectator in his own plot, that he grasps his world and progresses in resolving his conflicts. It is by looking at this screen of memory, reunion and return, that sometimes becomes a mirror of intense horizontal depth, that character and viewer meet and reflect. Based on the ideas of the philosopher Paul Ricoeur in his studies on narrative, or even under the anthropological ideas in a brief look at the cinema of Edgar Morin, and even in full use of Wenders' own words, this essay intends to clarify the processes that allow character and spectator to reconstruct a new connection, when configuring their narrative identities.

Author Biography

Alexandre Nascimento Braga Teixeira, Faculdade Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Doutoramento em Ciências da Comunicação - Especialização em ‘Cinema' |
Setembro de 2019 - Outubro de 2023)
UNL | FCSH | Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de
Lisboa - Portugal
● Primeiro semestre concluído com média 17 valores.
● Projeto: Os Rituais do Cinema: o uso do ato ritual simbólico no devir da
personagem na estrutura narrativa. O ato ritual como visionamento do filme
para um devir do espectador e o que dele resiste no contemporâneo.

Mestrado em Desenvolvimento de Projeto Cinematográfico - Especialização em
'Narrativas Cinematográficas' | Setembro de 2016 - Outubro de 2018)
IPL | ESTC | Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema
Amadora - Portugal
● Concluído com média 16 valores.
● Projeto: Escrita do argumento 'NUM RIO' + Tese: ‘A Importância do Ato
Ritual na Estrutura Narrativa de NUM RIO’.


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