Engaging communication: organizational strategies based on the construction of narratives



Organizational communication, Narrative, Narratology, Engagement, Fondation


This article examines the role of organizational narratives in promoting engagement. The hermeneutic perspective (Ricouer, 1983; 1986) is put in place by aiming at understanding the organizational narratives, its capacity for argumentation and mobilization for action. Seeking to answer the proposed problematic, we have mobilized various studies, notably narratology (Todorov, 1969, Bremond, 1973, Adam, 1985), the narrative perspective of organizations (D’Almeida, 2001), the theory of the text (Barthes, 1974), the theory of action (Parsons, 1978) and the theory of speech acts (Austin, 1962, Searle, 1969). The investigation is focused on the argumentative function and the mobilizing capacity of the narratives focused on the study of platelets produced and disseminated by the Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris Foundation (CIUP) in order to observe the promotion of the commitment entailed by the construction of stories aimed at patron support.


Author Biography

Larissa Conceição dos Santos, Universidade Federal do Pampa - UNIPAMPA Laboratoire GRIPIC (CELSA, Paris-Sorbonne)

Professora Adjunta na Universidade Federal do Pampa - UNIPAMPA

Pesquisadora vinculada ao Laboratoire GRIPIC (CELSA, Paris-Sorbonne) e Grupo de Pesquisa t3xto (UNIPAMPA)

Doutorado em Sciences de l'Information et de la Communication (Paris-Sorbonne)

Master Recherche em Sciences de l'Information et de la Communication (CELSA, Paris-Sorbonne)

Mestrado em Engenharia da Produção (Universidade Federal de Santa Maria-UFSM)

Bacharelado em Administração e Bacharelado em Comunicação Social - Relações Públicas (UFSM)


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