The body of the word. Essay on erasing subjectivity in the writing



semantics, linguistics, history of technology


From Hannah Arendt’s statement, which says that due to the changes that have happened during the Industrial Revolution, our understanding capacity has been reduced. The text traces a path from the limitation of worker’s freedom of action in function of the extreme rationalization of the production process, to the loss of the subjective link with the word, dictated by the passage of calligraphy writing to the typewriter one - which later on was reinforced by the start of digital techniques. Taking the analysis of these changes as a basis, the text proposes that we have lost the notion that the statements came from somewhere, from a subjectivity, and they may keep a burden of testimony, keep an expressiveness which has the potential to put in check the sovereignty of technical rationality.

Author Biography

Mário Furtado Fontanive, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Possui graduação em Arquitetura pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (1980) e doutorado em História, Teoria e Crítica da Arte pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (2013). Professor adjunto no curso de Design da UFRGS. Ministra as disciplinas de Teoria e História do Design I e II, Semiótica e Práticas Integradas de Criação.


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