The advertising paradox in Brazilian television: updating genre dissent in a uniform world


  • Nísia Martins do Rosário Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Adriana Pierre Coca Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul


Semiotics of culture, television advertising, genre, body


The text problematizes the body as a founding element of television advertising in rela on to diversity, through a theoretical and semiotic perspective of culture. It tries to approach the mediatic hegemony that is constituted by the modeling systems that operates publicity. The tensioning of advertising codes through the body is a relevant part of the article, considering the ways in which languages are articulated – body and advertising – to constitute a gender diversity that organizes a trend in television advertising. For this, we chose four advertising pieces as our object of analysis related to campaigns of the Valentine’s Day (2015 and 2017), in which we consider that the ruptures of the senses are provoked in the hegemonic publicity of television, and in this way, distancing themselves from the center of the semiosphere. The irregularities presented in these pieces refer mainly to homosexual rela ons.


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