Science Communication from a Socio-Semiotic Perspective

audiovisual in the digital environment


  • Manuella Reale UFSCar


This research explores enunciative strategies, regimes of meaning and interaction present in science communication videos on YouTube. The aim is to understand the meanings constructed and the presence of the destinator in this digital environment, examining enunciation marks shaped by the platform. It also discusses the credibility of statements and the intersection between science and common sense in science communication (Bueno, 2010; Vogt, 2012; Lewestein, 2003). The object under investigation is the Pirulla Channel, whose creator has an academic degree in zoology and no professional training in video production. The French semiotic approach (Greimas, 2002; Landowski, 2014) is used for regimes of meaning and interaction. This study looks at how the destinator uses strategies to drive the construction of meaning in order to accentuate a taste for science as an object of value.

