The Metrics of the Audience: the New Journalistic Gut
Mots-clés :
Media, Audience, News values, Journalistic gut feeling, Digital metricsRésumé
This article aims to analyze the way in which journalists measure the interest of their audiences by using three concepts associated with media production: 1. The metaphor of journalistic gut feeling. 2. The news values. 3. The audience metrics. The reflection is based on the findings established through academic literature review, which already shows noticeable changes such as the use of quantitative data within the journalistic routine, derived from the analysis and the metrics of audience. The rise of audience metrics as a result of a new journalistic gut feeling is still on discussion, and its influence is present in the selection, production and circulation of journalistic content affecting the entire media hierarchy. It concludes vindicating the necessity to continue doing research on the links among media, content production and audiences, which are relevant to understand the configuration of journalism today.
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