Networks, activism and public mobilizations. Collective and connective action


  • Isabel Babo Universidade Lusófona do Porto

Mots-clés :

Collective Action, Connective Action, Network Activism, Public Mobilization.


With the common and dominant use of digital social networks, new communication and collective mobilization practices emerged, as well as new configurations of acting and manifesting in public. In this essay, we ask where collective action begins and ends in relation to the connective action (Bennett and Segerberg, 2012), admitting that these modalities or logics of action can be mitigated, in a hybrid regime. To do this, we begin by understanding communication as both action and participation, then examine collective, situated and public action and finally consider the connective action. We intend to discuss the permeable boundaries between connective action and collective action, with reference to the movement “Que se lixe a Troika” (“To hell with troika!”), which emerged on digital social networks and had protests on the street in the 15th September 2012 and the 2th March 2013. At the same time, the network’s activism and the mobilization in the street are questioned. Therefore, the purpose is to question if the digitally networked action or the connective action, which brings together several users, can constitute a collective action.


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