From Schutz to Dewey: communication and everyday life


  • Pedro Pinto de Oliveira Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso – UFMT

Mots-clés :

communication, philosophy, everyday, Schutz, Dewey


This paper presents and discusses the correlations between John Dewey’s pragmatist philosophy and Alfred Schutz’s phenomenological philosophy – both as contributions to building up a communicational paradigm useful as an epistemological grounding and a methodological framework for Communication Sciences. We discuss the possible knowledge present in the relationship between communication and philosophy starting from the seminal notions of communication for Schutz and Dewey. These authors’ ideas relate to each other in the lifeworld or the natural environment, in the everyday life and in action. The conclusion of this paper demonstrates the application of philosophical notions to communication studies, to the perception of technology and to techniques related to technology, moving beyond a reductive and incomplete instrumental perception. Technology and techinique are all the intelligent means by both man’s and natural environment’s energy are directed and used to fulfill the human needs; and these are not limited to a few exterior forms nor comparatively mechanical. 


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