Narrative-Verse: On Transmedia, Narrative And Digital Media Audiences


Mots-clés :

transmedia, narratology, Ridley Scott, Alien.


Current trends point at narrative as a way of better doing storytelling and as a medium in itself to accomplish brand awareness. Works of fiction are empowered by new narratives as they intersect one another through the release of new narrative films, novels, games and TV shows. In the background of today’s post-post-modern reaction to narratives lies the fact of post-modernity declaring the fall of the grand narratives. With no massive narrative to tie ourselves together, we stand vulnerable to narratives provided by films, TV shows, gaming and new novels targeting mass adoption. To better understand that phenomena, we will analyse the Ridley Scott’s Alien franchise as a case of study to search for how a story can evolve throughout the years and cross the boundaries of cinema to be present in multiple medias. The subject of consistency, gender studies, technology, story world, transmedia storytelling and decentralised information will be the subjects of our analysis. One thing we draw as a conclusion of the utmost importance is that the mainstream viewer or the casual gamer are no more the rule. These days we are seekers and searchers, not passive viewers.


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