Influence Marketing in the Fashion and Beauty Industry
Palabras clave:
fashion, blogs, influence marketing, bloggersResumen
This research aims to identify the importance that influence marketing today plays in fashion and beauty blogs, thus grasping whether these blogs influence the consumer/follower, and simultaneously analysing the motivations that lead followers to consult blogs as well as understanding whether the influence wielded through blogs generates impacts on the attitudes and behaviours in the purchase. A descriptive and quantitative study was developed, with the objective of identifying the importance that influence marketing assumes within the scope of fashion and beauty blogs. To this end, a questionnaire survey was carried out with the target audience composed of the followers of the various fashion and beauty blogs. Results point that influence marketing does impact on purchasing intentions as regards the products presented as well as on attitudes and behaviours towards fashion and beauty. Consumers hold favourable opinions towards blogs, irrespective of the age group, with the majority openly accepting that they identify and relate to the bloggers and their blogs. There is a higher frequency of accessing blogs among the older respondents and their motivations to follow these blogs stem from wishing to keep up with the trends and seeking out information.
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