Girlhood in YouTube: participation, celebrification, and consumer culture
youtube, youtubers, children, identity, genderAbstract
Based on an exploratory research, we studied popular child YouTube channels in Brazil -Isabel Cerer (8 years), Juliana Baltar (9 years), Manoela Antelo (10 years) and Júlia Silva (11 years) -, to analyze their practices of production and dissemination of content, in a context marked by strategies of celebrification and a strong culture of consumption. As theoretical background, we discuss children’s digital cultures with a gender focus. As a result, we see a process of bricolage in which youtubers mobilize three strategic lines – playful capital, (mi- cro)celebrification and emergent femininity – In a game of forces in which participation, creativity and spontaneity are juxtaposed to a postfeminist entre-preneurship (Genz, 2015), increasingly professionally managed, and subordinate to the logic of con- sumer culture.
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