Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa: um Presidente da República que reconfigurou o cargo com a colaboração dos média noticiosos


  • Felisbela Lopes
  • Paula Espírito Santo
  • Leonete Botelho
  • Sandra Sá Couto


President, mediatization, jornalism


During his first term as President (2016-2021), Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa made a political affirmation in the media space that became an institutional singularity within media relations and public media space, but also in terms of interpretation and performance of the presidential powers, in his relationship with both the Government and Prime-Minister António Costa. This article aims to identify, in general terms, the extent to which the performance of presidential action, in Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, as mirrored by the press, instilled a divergent meaning and brought a reconfiguration of the role of the President of the Republic, in his interpretation of the presidential powers and functions. Our corpus of analysis is composed of 2.458 news texts collected from the main Portuguese generalist newspapers, to which we applied content analysis techniques. Our period of analysis goes from March 9th 2016 (inauguration day) to December 7th 2020 (day of the announcement of the re-candidacy for office). Our research question is: To what extent did the first term (2016-2021) of Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, as reflected in the press, passed an image of reconfiguration of the presidential powers?

Author Biographies

Paula Espírito Santo

Professora do ISCSP/ULisboa e Investigadora do CAPP/ISCSP/ULisboa

Leonete Botelho

Jornalista/grande repórter do Público

Sandra Sá Couto

Professora auxiliar Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto


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