COVID-19 and Portuguese government/EU policy framing in economic journalism: the case of the Jornal de Negócios newspaper


  • Mafalda Lobo CECS - Centro de Estudos Comunicação e Sociedade (UMinho)


COVID-19 crisis, Portugal, European Union, Economic journalism, framing, Jornal de Negocios


On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (Who) declared COVID-19 a global pandemic. Worldwide, the pandemic put serious challenges to health systems, the global and local economies and society as a whole. The implementation of several lockdowns and the global nature of the problem have made this crisis unprecedented. Economic policy responses to this crisis represented a challenge for the national and European economy, calling on several economists and public policy makers. The purpose of this article is to analyse what were the framing of news and issues that represent these framing, considering the economic effects of the pandemic and the public policies formulated by the Portuguese Government and the EU (policy agenda) that involve the implementation of various measures. The analysis focuses in articles published in a daily economic newspaper – Jornal de Negocios – and the period begins on March 2, 2020 (the day on which the first case of infection by COVID-19 in Portugal was confirmed) and month in which the country entered a lockdown and pre-state of emergency) until April 23, the day of approval of the Economic Recovery Fund by the European Council to mitigate the effects of the pandemic on the European economy.

Author Biography

Mafalda Lobo, CECS - Centro de Estudos Comunicação e Sociedade (UMinho)

Media, Política, Jornalismo, Comunicação Política, Media Sociais


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