Covid-19: Fact-checking to contain disinformation about chlorochine and hydroxychlorocchine
fack-checking, fake news, misinformation, post-truth, Covid-19Abstract
The Covid-19 virus pandemic shook the world in 2020. This article aims to analyze how the combination of disinformation, associated with diverse factors, such as controversial interests between science, economics and politics, in addition to cyclical issues, such as the crisis of confidence in Journalism and the precariousness of professional activity, can further strain the confrontation of a serious public health problem. To carry out our research, we used a analysis on information that was checked by two fact-checking agencies in South America: Comprova, from Brazil, and ColombiaCheck, from Colombia, on the recommendation and the use of two drugs in the fight against coronavirus: chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine. In total, 12 articles were analyzed, from March to June, in addition to having made articulations based on bibliographic review on the themes: propagation of fake news, post-truth, fact-checking. It is clear that the practice of checking by agencies has become relevant in combating the phenomenon of the spread of disinformation, but it is still a long way from containing this scenario.
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