Credibility and Reliability of Social Networks in Elections


  • Rodrigo Marçal Gandia Universidade Federal de Lavras
  • Eduardo Gomes Carvalho Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais – Varginha
  • Cassiano Andrade Ferreira Universidade Federal de Lavras
  • Guilherme Alcântara Pinto Universidade Federal de Lavras
  • Joel Yutaka Sugano Universidade Federal de Lavras


social networks, credibility, reliability


The influence of Social Networking on the Internet (SNI) goes beyond simply narrowing the ties with friends or distant relatives, and becomes a catalyst for disseminating information between a network of contacts. According to Paiva, Macedo, & Rosa (2010) they are responsible for future actions for a more effective democracy. Recently, in Brazil, it was observed an unusual behavior related to the political social interaction of the Brazilian people in the country’s elections. The objective of this work was to analyze social networks, through a descriptive research of a quantitative nature, based on the application of semistructured questionnaires, credibility and reliability, from the perspective of the voter, as well as the information about the Brazilian elections that are on the internet. considering the respondents’ profiles. SNI has been identified as having low credibility and reliability, but above some traditional media. It can still be said that men believe they have greater knowledge, identity, qualification and political understanding than women.


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