Jornalismo 3.0: o impacto dos agregadores de notícias online no negócio da informação


  • Daniela Real Santos Universidade Católica Portuguesa


Agregadores de notícias, web 3.0, Portugal, jornalismo, convergência, modelos de negócio


In the last years, the information market has been reconfigured in terms of business model, consumption, production and circulation of news content. These changes were provided by a technological convergence marked by the digitalization of media and dissemination
of contents. Today, the journalism in Portugal is facing a 3.0 environment marked by the popularization of the internet, and the crucial role that the citizen plays in the News distributing process. The purpose of this article is to investigate how these current changes in the media market are perceived by the main agents of business information, as news aggregators, digital and outlet media. The results show that aggregators provide more visibility and attractiveness of new audiences and increase
new forms of news distributing enhancing the brand and not appropriating it. On the other hand, their dependence is perceived as a disadvantage because the media can no longer survive without the aggregator, losing the value of their brand. It’s created a distrust relationship, to the detriment of the media themselves or by compromising the return of the media. They are dependent, independently of the return they get from this alliance.

Author Biography

Daniela Real Santos, Universidade Católica Portuguesa

Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Portugal


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