Digital Country: Transnationalism and Basque imagined community


  • Raphael Tsavkko Garcia Universidad de Deusto/Deustuko Unibertsitatea
  • Koldo Díaz Bizkarguenaga Universidad del Pais Vasco/Euskal Herriko Univertsitatea


internet, identity, Basque Country, digital country, imagined community


Basque diaspora is a topic that has been thoroughly studied, however, the effects of information and communications technology (ITC) over the Basque migrants are an object of study still to be investigated. Through two Doctoral Thesis, this article discusses qualitative and ethnographically how Basque citizens build national identity outside the Basque Country through blogs and Facebook, both in Diaspora groups as in and not as consolidated groups. The analysis of blogs shows that Internet is a tool to build and maintain Basque identity and while the Facebook one shows it is a space that citizens lives. Therefore, it can be said that different traits and different identity constructions of migrants and those living in the Basque Country meet in the Hyperspace. Which leads to identity tensions by opposing different constructions of national identity from dif- ferent social and historical perspectives.

Author Biographies

Raphael Tsavkko Garcia, Universidad de Deusto/Deustuko Unibertsitatea

Doutorando em Direitos Humanos, migração e diáspora (Universidad de Deusto), Mestre em Comunicação (Faculdade Cásper Líbero) e Graduado em Relações Internacionais (PUCSP)

Koldo Díaz Bizkarguenaga, Universidad del Pais Vasco/Euskal Herriko Univertsitatea

Doutor em Sociologia (EHU/UPV).


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