Myths and Contemporary Journalism - Contributions to a scientific approach to indexing the journalistic content to myths: the systematization of a referential matrix for reading mythology in newspapers
Communication, Culture, Context background, Journalism, Myths.Abstract
Do myths exist? Are they incorrect? Are myths the opposite of science? And can, or should, contemporary science take the mythological into account when talking about cultural sciences and communication sciences? The concept of myth is framed. Some characteristics based on semiology and structuralism are systematized, phenomenology is being paid attention to, and some perspectives of psychoanalysis are framed. The myth in communication processes is also framed. A reflection on the presence of myths in contemporary cultural and communication environment is carried out. Examples of the existence of myths in modern reality are given and some questions are considered: the deontology of journalism obliges it to factuality. Is mythological present in contemporary journalism? Some newspapers are analysed and a referential matrix for a mythological reading in the written press is suggested.References
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