Integrated marketing communication in the digital environment. Advertiser attitudes towards online communication techniques


  • David Alameda García Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca
  • Sonia Carcelén García Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • Teresa Pintado Blanco Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • Joaquín Sánchez Universidad Complutense de Madrid


communication, Internet, communication strategies, communication planning, consumer


The growth and development of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has brought with it numerous communication techniques related to the online environment. It has also changed the way in which consumers consider business communication, demanding increased interaction and personalization of the messages. In the face of this concept, it is increasingly necessary for companies to strategically coordinate and integrate the tools that are used in both on and offline channels. This study attempts to determine whether or not the online communication tools are integrated according to conventional techniques, and also whether they consider the consumer when it comes to defining communication strategies. To do this, an online survey was created for a national sample of 301 Spanish companies, representing distinct sizes and activity sectors. The primary results reveal, on the one hand, a very positive attitude was found between all of the of the surveyed companies, regardless of size or activity sector, towards integrated marketing communication, mostly between the digital communication techniques in terms of coordinating the messages that are sent out via a combination of on and offline channels. And, on the other hand, the actual communication integration level in companies is more tactical than strategic.

Biografia Autor

David Alameda García, Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca

Licenciado en Publicidad y RRPP por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y Doctor en Ciencias de la Información por la misma universidad. También es técnico en investigación en marketing por AEDEMO. En la actualidad es Profesor Encargado de cátedra de la Facultad de Comunicación especializado en materias relacionadas con el ámbito del marketing y la investigación de mercados. Autor de diversos artículos y capítulos de libros relacionados con las comunicaciones integradas de marca, la gestión de marcas y la estructura de la publicidad. Ha desarrollado su labor profesional en la consultora GECA y en CIMEC Investigación en Marketing, entre otras consultoras. Sus líneas de investigación están relacionadas con la gestión de marcas y la industria de la publicidad.


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