Framing Interaction Anchorage in Mediatized Groups


Palabras clave:

deep mediatization, quanti-qualitative method, WhatsApp analysis, face-to- face communication, frame of relevance


Fabricated representations of the interaction framing faced on the contemporary figuration of group linkages are one of the points disclosed in this article. Erving Goffman’s frame analysis contribution is reviewed put it on empirical proposal pertinent to mediatized groups: the anchorages of interaction. It is understood that the technical functionality of instant messaging (IM) applications like WhatsApp mimics the face-to-face aspects of the language. The concept of interaction anchorages (brackets) as delimiters of thematic frameworks is considered as frames of relevance in the literature on deep mediatization. Thus, associated to the interaction anchorages as delimiters are compiled four quanti-qualitative categories based on the transformation processes of relevance framing by a Goffmanian perspective. The possibilities to set quantification patterns in WhatsApp groups through a strategy that allows further qualitative identification of relevant content are underlined.


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