“BIG MOTHER” and the biotechnology possibilities stamped in Bioart


  • Luíza Macedo Machaim Franco Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - Instituto de Biologia
  • Daniela Franco Carvalho Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - Instituto de Biologia

Palabras clave:

Bioart, feminism, biotechnology, breastfeeding


This text brings provocations about the interfaces between Biology and Art on artistic productions in which the manipulation of life is evidenced by cells, blood, bacteria and butterflies. Taking these productions as base we questioned whether it is possible to perceive the feminine in bioart. We chose to construct a narrative about the work “Big Mother” by Patricia Piccinini addressing her biography, the relationship with science and the specificities of these areas that are evoked on the work. “Big Mother” is a hyper-realistic sculpture of a genetically modified monkey caring for and breastfeeding a human baby that makes us imagine biotechnology possibilities in our daily lives. The work leads us to think about women’s lives and their choices; about an outsourced breastfeeding cybernetics in the near future; and about creating a life in laboratory to achieve our individual purposes.


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