Drive-in Art Art and identity on the portuguese roads


  • Joao Braz

Palabras clave:

Public art, Collective identity, Tradition, Roundabout, Local heritage


There are hundreds of artistic works installed in the roundabouts of the Portuguese villages and cities. It is common for the subjects of this public art to be representations of old social and cultural activities, traditional professions, homages to personalities, historical events and geographical characteristics of the localities.

Most of these artistic objects are intended to represent and celebrate, in a stylized way, characteristics and the essence of those localities. But what kind of “soul” is this?

D. Afonso Henriques riding a cock of Barcelos or the world’s largest chestnut roast can represent an idea of community identity. An artistic expression that crystallizes local culture, objects, features and local life into identity objects. To show through art a local identity in an increasingly global society.


DOMINGUES, Álvaro. A Rua da Estrada, Porto, Dafne, 2009

LEAL, João. Usos da cultura popular - Como se faz um povo, Lisboa, Tinta-da-china, 2010

HOBSBAWN, Eric; RANGER, Terence (Org.), A invenção das tradições, Rio de Janeiro, Paz e Terra, 1997

QUEIRÓS, Eça de. A Cidade e as Serras, Lisboa, Livros do Brasil, 2016




