Cláudia Varejão’s inner voice: Collective interview


  • Ana Catarina Pereira Universidade da Beira Interior


voice, empathy, documentary, camera, path.


Cláudia Varejão was born in Porto and studied at the Creativity and Artistic Creation Program of Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in partnership with the German Film und Fernsehakademie Berlin and the São Paulo International Film Academy.
She also studied Photography at AR.CO in Lisbon. Claúdia Varejão is the author of the trilogy of short films Weekend (2007), A Cold Day (2009) and Morning Light (2011). Ama-san (2016), a portrait of Japanese divers, was her first feature film which received dozens of awards around the world, followed by In The Darkness of the Theater I Take Off My Shoes (2016), a film that shows the intimacy of a group of dancers from a dance company. Amor Fati is her latest film due for release in 2020 and Wolf and Dog, in development, will bring us back her vision of fiction. Cláudia Varejão’s films have been selected and awarded in Locarno, Rotterdam, Visions du Reel, Cinema du Reel, Karlovy Vary, Art of the Real Lincoln Center, among other prestigious film festival. Alongside her work as a director, she develops a career as a photographer and is a guest professor at AR.CO and Catholic University of Porto. Her work, whether in photography or film, documentary and fiction, lives from the close proximity to those portrayed. This interview is focused on her filmography, her aesthetics, on the journeys made between fiction and documentary, as well as on her political statements on different artistic issues.

Author Biography

Ana Catarina Pereira, Universidade da Beira Interior

Estudos de Género, Cinema, Estudos Feministas Fílmicos, Pedagogia nas Artes


A entrevista aqui apresentada resulta de um trabalho coletivo, desenvolvido no âmbito da unidade curricular opcional de Filosofia do Cinema, lecionada por Ana Catarina Pereira, no Mestrado em Cinema da Universidade da Beira Interior. Convidada para apresentar a sua obra nesse contexto académico específico, Cláudia Varejão acedeu à nossa proposta de o fazer em formato de entrevista. Da aula e da concretização do questionamento participaram as/os alunas/os Ana Paula Junqueira, Daniel Oliveira, Fausto Muniz, Lucas Tavares, Marisa Alves Pedro, Melanie Pereira e Tom Freitas. Ana Catarina Pereira é doutorada em Ciências da Comunicação, na vertente de Cinema e Multimédia, coordenadora do GT de Estudos Fílmicos da Sopcom e membro da Comissão para a Igualdade da UBI; desenvolve a sua pesquisa nas áreas de Estudos Feministas Fílmicos, Estudos Culturais e Pedagogias nas Artes. O programa curricular da disciplina é desenvolvido na intersecção dessas áreas de estudo.



