The manifestation of Nietzschean authenticity in surrealist art through Pipilotti Rist


  • Anna Clara da Silva Petracca Anna Universidade da Beira Interior - Faculdade de Artes e Letras


Authenticity, Nietzsche, Videoart, Surrealism, Pipilotti Rist


The philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) proposed that superficiality resides in human consciousness. Therefore, in the sphere of the incommunicable, that is, the unconscious, is the authenticity and uniqueness of each individual. Surrealism, an artistic movement from the beginning of the 20th century, reacted to the rationalism of the time, paying attention to the role of the unconscious in artistic expressions. Based on the concept of Nietzschean authenticity and surrealism in art, this research intends to make a connection between the two concepts through the analysis of the works of Pipilotti Rist, a Swiss visual artist who uses intimate and surreal elements to compose her videoarts and video-installations, often using self-portraits and showing a concern for the female body.


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