The face in the image, the image without face: poverty and vulnerability in journalistic photography about Bolsa-Família Program


  • Ângela Cristina Salgueiro Marques Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
  • Alexei Padilla Herrera Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
  • Hannah Serrat Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais


Vulnerability, Face, Photojournalistic image, Aesthetics, Alterity, Politics.


The aim of this paper is to produce an analysis of vulnerability and vocalization of an an ethical demand made by the Other, giving birth to a responsibility relarion with the other’s face. Such concept, derived from the thought of Lévinas and reworked by Butler, is used here to guide the analysis of specific photojournalistic images related to the Bolsa-Família Program. The corpus of the research has a total of 120 images, assembled between 2003 and 2015 from newspapers of great national circulation, such as Folha de S. Paulo, Estado de S. Paulo and O Globo. In order to investigate the political and ethical dimensions of these images, they were grouped into two main axes of signification: a) faceless images: the face cannot make its appearance even if human face is portrayed in them; b) the face in the image / the face of the image: in them the face appears as an appeal, a call that is addressed to us and make us aware of the precariousness and vulnerability of our lives.


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