The ludus-gamification operation and the mechanical enslavement


  • Mariana Amaro Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Camila Freitas Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul


Mechanical Enslavement, Game, Logics, Gamification.


In this theoretical paper, we propose a correlation between the notion of mechanical enslavement and the gamification phenomenon in order to present how some processes that constitute the environment of rational games reinforce the maintenance of machinic servitude, especially by making invisible the social machine’s phenomenal functioning and by imparting a new layer of meaning endowed with values and meanings contrary to those experienced by the human part ar culated in this dynamic. In order to do this, we return to Huizinga and Caillois’ understanding of the functioning of game structures and play. Then we approach Deleuze and Guattari’s semiotic approach of abstract machine’s elements and operation regarding Lazzarato’s mechanical enslavement to explain how game and critical semiotics are linked in gamification. Finally, we present the proposition that paidia can help to disrupt the capitalist machine’s ethics and logic.


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