A brief approach to the meaning of “The touch in cinema” through the survival of archive in Harun Farocki’s movie: The Expression of Hands


  • Rodolfo Anes Silveira Universidade da Beira Interior


Anachronism, memory, archive survival, touch


The archive has a very special role in the cinema of Harun Farocki (Nový Jicin, Neu tschein, Sudetengau: now Czech Republic). As a young student director at the Berlin Academy of Film and Television in Berlin, was strongly influenced by Bertolt Brecht and Jean-Luc Godard, who gratefully contributed to his first non-narrative films / essays on image politics. The film Der Ausdruck der Hände (30 min. Video- BetaSp, 1: 1,37) 07.09.1997), produced by Harun Farocki Filmproduk on (Berlin) for WDR - Westdeutscher Rundfunk, collects several readings (in individual historical film scenes) in which the image and the narrative are organise by the hands. From the analysis of a documentary film by Harun Farocki, will be made an attempt to approached the meaning of “the touch in cinema”.




