Thoughts on “The Tree of the Ancestors” by Licínio de Azevedo


  • Teresa Manjate Universidade Eduardo Mondlane


Cinema, documentary, semiotics, readings


The article is a reflection on the film “The ancestors’ tree” Licínio de Azevedo’s movie, of 1994. This one rests in the considera on of the cinematographic work as a semio c object, according to Charles Pierce theory. In this perspective, the movie is assumed as sign, an object that is based on the possibility of receiving an interpretation in relation to itself, as a complex structure. Each element of the structure incorporates a meaning, an aggregation and a successive projec on of values of a whole in relation to the subjects, the object of art, in this case the movie and the society. In this perspective, the film is therefore a mediang sign between the subject (the artist) and the recipients (the audience), not only with an impact on a recipient as an individual, but also as a member of a society.


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