Personal communication and digital learning interactivity


  • Manuel Sousa Pereira ESCE-IPVC


personal communication, communicative interaction, learner dynamics


Communication is a dynamic, constantly changing and evolving, non-linear, intrinsic to man himself, therefore, is how to externalize, share, commune, behaviors, attitudes, feelings, ideas, opinions, and thus obtain feedback receptor, and thus guide the communication again for mutual understanding, which is the main objective of communication. From 90s entered the age of individualization of the media, where each person can participate in the construction of information and where everyone can be a communicative whole. However, new forms of communication is supported by a technological base capable of establishing interactive, participatory and quickly by encouraging participation and interaction toward each other, as well as the most effective use of participation and intention in the community. The electronic and digital communication besides being increasingly an excellent way of communicating, because it is efficient in terms of processing speed, ease of use and to be extremely economic because, just have two computers connected to the Internet to communicate the way they find most convenient. The aim of this work is a theoretical and Conceptual reflection on the role of personal communication in learner dynamics of individuals while connecting elements that interact with the whole communication.

Author Biography

Manuel Sousa Pereira, ESCE-IPVC

Lic. Relações Públicas. Mestre em Marketing e Comunicação Estratégica. Doutor em Ciências da Comunicação


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