Contribuição da semiótica na construção de uma dimensão sensível no contexto comunicacional


  • Ricardo Uhry Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná UTP


It proposes a reflection on the sensitive dimension in the context of experiential journalism, reviewing pioneering experiences and their communicational impact. The sensitive dimension is explored through practices related to experiential journalism, such as artistic journalism and aesthetic journalism, trying to relate journalism and the arts, highlighting the semiotic contribution. It is argued that there is a basis for the empirical study of the sensitive dimension of the communicative act, highlighting the relationships that are established and that can be located on the Map of communicative relationships, in which both problematic issues and experiential possibilities that can be related to experimentation and art can be highlighted, among which an empirical result stands out, a journalistic practice that can contribute to the evoked construction of the communication of the future. The conclusion is that different possibilities of communicative relationships can be used to face the challenges in a context where the sensitive dimension stands out in experiential communication practices.

