Online Branding in the Healthcare Industry: A Quantitative Analysis on How the World’s Best Smart Hospitals Promote their Brands through Mobile Apps
Hospitals, Corporate communication, Brand, Reputation, Mobile Apps.Resumo
Artificial intelligence, big data, telemedicine and mobile apps contribute to enhance hospitals’ internal processes as well as patients’ medical outcomes. This technology represents an opportunity to make hospitals’ brands more credible. This paper analyzes how smart hospitals use mobile apps to improve their relations with stakeholders and promote their brands. To do that, we conducted a literature review about artificial intelligence, hospitals’ branding strategies and mobile apps; then, based on this review, we defined 36 branding indicators; subsequently, we resorted to the World’s Best Smart Hospitals 2023, an annual ranking developed by Newsweek and Statista, to analyze how the 300 best smart hospitals in the world managed mobile apps for branding purposes according to these 36 indicators. Our results proved that 57% of hospitals managed mobile apps for communication purposes, but only few of them used these platforms to interact with different stakeholders such as employees (32,7%) and media companies (2,3%), and this way build the organization’s brand in a collective way. We concluded that hospitals should follow a branding logic, develop apps for different stakeholders and explain why using these platforms is consistent with the organization’s brand.
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