Digital communication skills: a five-country study of the attitude to online classes in universities


  • Denys Lifintsev Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
  • Cristina Fleseriu University Babes-Bolyai
  • Wanja Wellbrock Heilbronn University of applied sciences


online-learning, digitalization, digital skills, digital competences, digital communication, cross-cultural studies


Background and Purpose: This study explores the attitude of the university students to online classes as a tool to improve their digital communication skills. 

Design/Methodology/Approach: We used an online questionnaire to collect data for our study. A sample consists of 516 university students from five countries: Colombia, Germany, Portugal, Romania and Ukraine representing different regions in Europe and South America. Different statistical tools were used to check the hypotheses. 

Results: The results indicate that new generations are interested in opportunity to upgrade their digital communication skills. And they would like to have some of university classes being conducted online even under normal external conditions in order to achieve this goal. The majority of respondents have stated that they would like to have 21-50% of classes online while only 7.8% of students would prefer to have all classes in a face-to-face form. 

Conclusion: The discussion of the findings includes the analyses of opportunities provided by new technologies in the era of digital globalization. Blended education system with some share of classes being held online might help to improve digital skills of the students, make them prepared better for business environment with lots of online activities. 

Biografias Autor

Denys Lifintsev, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

PhD, associate professor of management department, Faculty of economics and management

Cristina Fleseriu, University Babes-Bolyai

PhD, Associate Professor, Faculty of Business

Wanja Wellbrock, Heilbronn University of applied sciences

PhD, Associate professor, Faculty of management and sales


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