Marker, Varda e a Revolução Cubana: associações surrealistas, o trabalho com clichês e o exotismo
Cuban Revolution, Chris Marker, Agnès Varda, surrealism, exoticism, musicAbstract
The European directors Chris Marker and Agnès Varda, who were invited
by ICAIC to direct the documentaries Cuba si (1961-1963) and Salut, les cubains! (1963), in which we observe surrealist associations in the voice over as well as between voice over and other sounds and images, and a large utilization of irony dealing with stereotypes. However, I discuss to what extent those films would not drift into exoticism, especially if we consider the presence of music and dance in them.
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À bientôt, j´espère (1968), de Chris Marker.
As estátuas também morrem (Les statues meurent aussi, 1953), de Chris Marker e Alain Resnais.
Buena Vista Social Club (1999), de Wim Wenders.
Cléo das 5 à 7 (1962), de AgnèsVarda.
Cuba baila (1960), de García Espinosa.
Cuba sí! (1961-1963), de Chris Marker.
Description d’un combat (Descrição de um combate, 1960), de Chris Marker.
Dimanche à Pekin (1956), de Chris Marker.
Django Reinhardt (1959) de Paul Paviot.
Du côté de la Côte (1958), de Agnès Varda.
La bataille des dix millions (A batalha dos dez milhões, 1970).
La Jetée (1962), de Chris Marker.
La mer et les jours (1958), de Raymond Vogel e Alain Kaminker.
La Pointe Courte (1954), de Agnès Varda.
Le joli Mai (1963), de Chris Marker.
Le mystère de l´atelier quinze (1957) de Alain Resnais.
Le siècle a soif (1959), de Raymond Vogel.
Lettre de Sibérie (Carta da Sibéria, 1958), de Chris Marker.
Loin du Vietnam (Longe do Vietnã, 1968), de Chris Marker e outros.
L’Opéra-mouffe (1958), de Agnès Varda.
Nuit et brouillard (Noite e neblina, 1955), de Alain Resnais e Chris Marker.
Olympia 52 (1952), de Chris Marker.
O mistério Koumiko (1965), de Chris Marker.
On vous parle de... (1969-1973, série com vários curtas-metragens), de Chris Marker.
O saisons, ô châteaux (1957), de Agnès Varda.
Robin Hood (1922), de Allan Dwan.
Salut, les cubains! (1963), de Agnès Varda.
Sans soleil (1983), de Chris Marker.
Si j’avais quatre dromadaires (Se eu tivesse quatro dromedários, 1966), de Chris Marker.
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