(Auto)biografia e performance em Stories we tell (2012), de Sarah Polley


  • Pedro Henrique Trindade Kalil Auad Universidade de Brasília.


documentary, Sarah Polley, autobiography.


This article investigates the (auto)biographical procedures adopted by Sarah
Polley in her documentary Stories we tell. For this purpose I focus on the chorus of voices that compose the film, the lack of hierarchy between archive images and the recreated images. Thus, it would be possible to think about an autobiography theory sustained by the filmmaker as well as the performative function of storytelling.

Author Biography

Pedro Henrique Trindade Kalil Auad, Universidade de Brasília.

Doutor em Teoria da Literatura e Literatura Comparada pelo programa de Pós-graduação de Estudos Literários da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais.


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F for Fake (1973), de Orson Welles.

I Am a sex addict (2005), de Caveh Zahedi.

Sink or Swim (1990), de Su Friedrich.

Stories We Tell (2012), de Sarah Polley.

The Thin Blue Line (1988), de Errol Morris.





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