O vaqueiro como personagem no documentário brasileiro: do caráter pedagógico à construção de uma memória do deslocamento
Brazilian documentary, cowboy character, pedagogical subject, memory, music, singingAbstract
Through the cowboy characters in the documentaries O homem de couro
(Paulo Gil Soares, 1969-70) and Aboio (Marília Rocha, 2005), this text investigates the different ways the voice appears, particularly a type of song known as aboio. To achieve this purpose, we will analyze testimonies of some of the characters as well as the diegetic and the extra-diegetic soundtracks. We also intend to check the link between performance and memory that finds in singing an important material. This analysis allows us to verify the hypothesis that an informative/pedagogical tone prevails in O homem de couro, while in Aboio the construction of a memory has its cardinal aspect in the displacement.
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