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Author Guidelines

The submission and processing of submitted articles to DOC On-Line are free and do not entail any author(s) charges.

By submitting an article to DOC On-line the authors confirm that the work is original an unpublished. Otherwise, the information is to be mentioned in: "Comments to the Editor".

The files submitted will be in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format (provided they do not exceed 2MB).

The file of the article will not include the name of the author(s). 

The information about authors will include 3 levels: University, Faculty, Department and/or Research Centre; and also: Zip Code (of the institution), City, Country and e-mail. 



The norms for the articles are the following:


Abstract: 5 lines.

Keywords: 3 to 6.

Resumo: 5 linhas.

Palavras-chave: 3 a 6.

Resumen: 5 líneas.
Palabras clave: 3 a 6.

Résumé: 5 lignes.

Mots-clés: 3 à 6.

(DOC On-line will translate or make the revision of portuguese, spanish and french abstracts)

The text must be written in Word format, typed in A4 model, Times New Roman, 1.5 spaced, size 12, and the alignment justified.

Film titles must be written in italic, for example, Asaltar los cielos (1996) by Javier Rioyo and José Luis López Linares.

In the text, words may appear emphasized in italic, bold is to be avoided. Use bold only for the sub-sections of the article.

Images must be sent in JPG ou TIFF format with 200dpi minimum resolution.

Citations are to be followed by author, year, and page number, “let us suppose that this is a citation by Jacques Aumont” (Aumont, 2003: 12). Another case would be the reference citation, for example (Aumont e Marie, 2001). In the case of more than two authors it should be (Aumont et al., 2005).

Quotations over 4 lines long must me separated from the body text by a paragraph and a further indent and keep the same formatting of the body text.

Footnotes should appear at the end of the page. If footnotes include bibliographic references, the author’s name should appear as following: XAVIER, I. (1984). O discurso cinematográfico – A opacidade e a transparência. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra.

Bibliographical references (APA NORMS)


Aumont, J. & Marie, M. (2003). Dicionário teórico e crítico de cinema. São Paulo: Papirus.

Xavier, I. (1984). O discurso cinematográfico.  A opacidade e a transparência. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra.

Chapters in books:

MacDougall, D. (2003). Beyond observational cinema. In P. Hockings (ed.), Principles of Visual Anthropology (pp.115-132),  3rd Ed. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter.

Journal articles:

Leroi-Gourhan, A. (1948). Cinema  et sciences humaines. Le film ethnologique existe-t-il. Revue de Géographie Humaine et d’Ethnologie, 1( 3) 42-50. Paris.


Fitera, J. M. (2004). Los documentales de contenido religioso. Estudio de las series transmitidas por la RAI en torno al cambio de milénio (1998-2000). Navarra: Tese de Doutorado, Universidad de Navarra.

Articles in papers:

Pereira, J.P. (2001). A nova política para o audiovisual. Jornal do Commercio, 22, p. 3.


Bedregal, X. (s/data). Entrevista con Carmen Castillo: La dictadura, gran máquina del olvido, convirtió a Chile en país de la amnesia general. Disponível em:


En un lugar del cielo (2003) by Alejandra Carmona.

La flaca Alejandra (1993) by Carmen Castillo.



 The text will follow "Thematic dossier" and "Article" sections' guidelines and should include: book title, author, publisher, year and ISBN. 


 The text will follow "Thematic dossier" and "Article" sections' guidelines and should include: when and where the interview took place.


The information to be published is: author, e-mail; title; Type (PhD or Master); Designation of the Study Program; Institution (University, Faculty, Department and/or Research Centre); Abstract; Keywords; Year; Supervisor Professor. 

DOSSIER TEMÁTICO | Dossier temático | Thematic dossier | Dossier thématique

Original and unpublished articles are intended.

The articles under the theme proposed for each Doc Online will be published in the "Thematic Dossier" section. 

In this section, articles are subject to deadlines (see call for papers).

This sections publishes articles from both PhDs and PhD candidates. In the case of co-authored articles, the editors may change the order of the name of the authors.

ARTIGOS | Artículos | Articles | Articles

Original and unpublished articles are intended.

This section is for any thematic other than the the one asked for in the call for papers. 

This sections publishes articles written by both PhD holders and/or PhD candidates. In the case of co-authored articles, the editors may change the order of the name of the authors. Submission is continuous.


LEITURAS | Lecturas | Readings | Comptes-rendus

Original and unpublished texts are intended.

"Readings" is a section devoted to critical analysis of books that take documentary either as a major or a minor subject. Editors should receive your text along with the book title, author, publisher, year, and ISBN. Submission is continuous.

ENTREVISTA | Entrevista | Interview | Entretien

Original and unpublished work is intended.

An interview of someone who works or has worked on documentary filmmaking is welcome. 

Submission is continuous.

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses submitted to DOC On-line will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and will not be available for other purposes or to third parties.