Aline Motta: superfícies, arquivos e a expansão do documentário


  • Gilberto Alexandre Sobrinho Universidade Estadual de Campinas


In this article, I propose a reflection on the visual artist Aline Motta, whose work
intersects video art/video installation and the expanded universe of the documentary field,
especially in its aspects of film essay and experimental documentary. The works considered
will be Filha Natural (2018-2019) and the Trilogy composed of (Outros) Fundamentos
(2017-2019), Pontes sobre abismos (2017) and Se o mar tivesse varandas (2017). These are
audiovisual works that weigh up the relationship between archives, history and territory,
among other motifs. They result in hybrid films in which the subjective process of narrating
mobilises questions of self-representation, identity construction and memory, based on tensions
between encounter, the process of belonging and ancestry.
Keywords: Aline Motta; expanded documentary; experimental documentary; performance.





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