O estranho caso de Alto Rabagão (1966) ou António Reis, genealogia de um estilo 


  • Alexandra João Martins ICNOVA - FCSH/UNL


Portuguese cinema, cinema history, style, António Reis and Margarida Cordeiro.


In the first half of the 60s, António Reis co-directed with César Guerra Leal the short documentary Do céu ao rio (1964) about the hydro-electrical system of Cávado-Rabagão. Besides this short, another one was credited to both directors, Alto Rabagão (1966). Probably edited from the same raw material and with some similitudes, however, the generic of this film was not signed by António Reis. Thus, the present article will attempt to: 1) clarify the destinations and production contexts of each one of these short films; 2) aesthetically understand the main differences between them having as main reference the relationship established with nature; 3) try to establish, from the relationship of this short film with the other films by António Reis and by Margarida Cordeiro, the main characteristics of what could be considered as the genesis of a proper cinematographic style. 

Author Biography

Alexandra João Martins, ICNOVA - FCSH/UNL

Doutoranda em Estudos Artísticos - Arte e Mediações (FCSH/UNL) com um projecto financiado pela FCT


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Filmografia principal

Do Céu ao Rio [curta-metragem, digital]. Real. César Guerra Leal, António Reis. Portugal, 1964. 17min. Fonte: ANIM (Arquivo Nacional das Imagens em Movimento) / Cinemateca Portuguesa – Museu do Cinema

Alto Rabagão [curta-metragem, digital]. Real. César Guerra Leal. Portugal, 1966. 18min. Fonte: Colecção Fundação EDP

